Kenzie And The Guy Next Door (Scandalous Series Book 4) Read online
Page 14
“Guess what?” Kenzie said.
“Uncle Ryder has something to tell you.”
Cole looked at Ryder, who gestured for him to come over to him and Bailey.
“Bailey has a baby growing in her tummy. You’re going to have a cousin,” Ryder told him.
“How did it get there?” Cole looked up with wide eyes. “And how do we get it out?”
“Kenz. That’s all yours.” Ryder laughed.
“No way, daddy-o. You knocked her up, you can answer the question.” Kenzie winked, an amused expression on her face.
“Well, you see…” Ryder cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair, at a loss for words. I didn’t blame him.
Bailey crouched. “Me and Uncle Ryder made the baby, with lots of love.” She brushed his hair out of his face. “And he or she needs to stay in my belly a little while longer, so they can grow big and strong. And when the time is right, the doctor will do what doctors do best, and help me get the baby out.”
Cole furrowed his eyebrows. “Did you have to kiss to make the baby?”
“Well, when two people love each other, they do kiss a lot, and I guess it does help to make the baby.” Bailey looked at Kenzie with wide eyes and twisted her mouth in way to say she had no idea what she was saying. Kenzie gave her a thumbs-up and nodded.
“Hmmm.” Cole thought about it for a moment and then turned to Kenzie. “Are you going to have a baby now?”
“What? No. I have one. You.”
“But you kissed Jeremy before,” he tilted his head in the exact same way Ryder did.
Ryder burst out laughing, and Bailey giggled behind her hand. I shuffled on my feet and looked anywhere but at the four sets of eyes focused on me.
“No, buddy. I’m not going to have a baby. You have to kiss lots for that.”
“Okay.” He nodded and turned back to the TV.
“Well, ah…congrats.” I held out my hand to shake Ryder’s and pecked Bailey on the cheek.
Ryder wrapped his arms around Bailey, setting his hands on her stomach. I looked at Kenzie, who was grinning, showing those dimples in her cheeks as she wiped the tears from her eye.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“Yeah, just…overwhelmed.”
“Some birthday, huh?” Ryder said. “At least one good thing happened today.”
“Whose birthday is it?” I looked between them.
“Ours.” Ryder said.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked Kenzie. I had no idea it was their birthday. I would have…I didn’t know what I would have done. But I’d have bought her a gift.
“Because it’s just another day. We never celebrate it.”
“You should.”
“We will from now on,” Ryder said. “Our birthday, the day I found out I was going to be a dad. Pretty good cause for a celebration, don’t you think?”
“Definitely.” Bailey nodded enthusiastically.
“Anyway, we should be off. You coming with us Kenz?” Ryder asked.
“I have to stay and wait for the detectives to get here.”
“Okay, we’ll see you in the morning, then, for Cole’s first day at school. Come on, little man.”
Cole jumped up and kissed Kenzie goodbye before slipping his hand in Bailey’s and walking out the door, asking about the baby.
I closed the door behind them and turned to Kenzie, pulling her to me. “Happy Birthday.” I kissed her jaw, smiling when she sighed and angled her head to the side so I could kiss down her neck. “We should celebrate.”
“I never do.” She pressed her body against mine, her warmth flooding me.
“Which is why we should. Let me take you somewhere.” I kissed her again, slowly, savouring every second.
“Where?” Her fingers threaded through my hair.
“On a date.” I lifted her up.
“We have to wait for the detectives. We can’t go anywhere now.” She wrapped her legs around me.
“Tomorrow night, then?”
“Okay.” She smiled against my lips and then…
We were interrupted by a knock on the door.
The detectives were great. So much better and more efficient than our useless police department. They came into my apartment and inspected every nook and cranny for possible cameras. And I did mean everywhere. Including Cole’s toys and the TV. They located and removed five cameras in total, including one from my bedroom. But what bothered me more was the camera in Cole’s room. He’d been spying on my goddamn son.
The entire apartment was dusted for prints, and the detectives assured me they’d be able to trace the cameras back and figure out where they came from, who bought them, who installed them, and where the video feed was going.
It was Chace. I knew it was, and I told them that. I told them everything from the moment I found out I was pregnant to the moment Jeremy called to say he found the cameras, when I gave them my statement this morning after dropping Cole off for his first day of school. It was a long and gruelling process, but it was entirely in their hands now. And based on my statement, they believed they had enough to bring him in for questioning, at least.
They assured me they’d get the restraining order put in place, effective immediately, but suggested I avoid the apartment for a few more days in case they couldn’t hold him on any charges and he came looking for me. It was a precaution, they said, and that was fine by me. I didn’t want to return to that apartment at all now. I wanted to find somewhere else for Cole and me to live. Maybe somewhere close to the school, or Ryder.
“What are you thinking about?” Jeremy reached over the console of his truck and grabbed my hand.
“The apartment.”
“A few more days and you’ll be able to bring Cole home and not have to worry. I promise.”
“I just don’t want to live there anymore. The place feels tainted now. He ruined it for me. Destroyed my home.”
Jeremy cleared his throat. “Don’t make any decisions yet. There’s no rush. You know I like having you around my apartment. You can stay with me a few days and then make up your mind.”
“You want me to stay with you?” I asked as we pulled up out the front of the apartment building.
He looked at me as though I was an alien with three heads. “Absolutely.”
“Is this because you’re hoping I’ll come home in a nurse’s costume?”
“A guy can dream, babe.”
I laughed and climbed out of the car.
“All I’m saying is don’t cancel your lease yet. Wait a few days, sleep on it. Your mind is a mess right now after all that’s been going on, and you don’t want to make a decision you’ll regret later,” Jeremy said, coming around and standing in front of me.
“Whatever you say, oh wise one.” I wrapped my arms around his neck. “You need to buy furniture, though, if you want me to keep coming back.” I pressed my mouth to his, parting my lips and allowing his tongue to find mine.
“Don’t need furniture.” He nibbled my bottom lip. “Would you like me to prove that again?”
“Yes.” I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist, his hands instantly grabbing my ass.
I kissed him again as he carried me up the steps, in through the front doors, and upstairs to his apartment where he proceeded to undress us both torturously slowly, trailing kisses all over my body. My skin was scorching, my body on fire by the time he pulled me down onto the sofa with him. I ran my hands through his hair and kissed him as he settled over me. The warmth of his body on mine was comforting and protective. I felt completely safe and at home right there in his arms. And it was both thrilling and scary as hell at the same time.
I’d spent so long building a fortress around myself and Cole, not wanting to let anyone in. Not wanting to risk being hurt. And this man, this beautiful, strong, tattoo-covered man just waltzed straight through the front gate like it wa
s nothing. I was powerless to stop him.
Jeremy’s hand skimmed over my ribs and travelled down my waist, over my hip, and grabbed my leg, lifting it and holding it tightly against his side. His breath was hot on my neck as he kissed below my ear and reached for my other leg, until they were both hooked around his waist. I moaned and shifted under him, needing to be closer, to feel him everywhere.
His hands found mine, fingers entwined as he eased into me. I moaned. He cursed and crashed his lips to mine in a hard, demanding kiss. My eyes fluttered closed, and I arched into him, still not feeling close enough. His hips moved with mine, harder, faster, until stars danced behind my eyelids.
Jeremy knocked on the bathroom door. “What’s taking so long, babe?”
“Nothing. Give me five minutes.” I stood in front of his sink and stared at myself in the mirror.
I had butterflies in my stomach. My hands were sweating and shaking uncontrollably. So much, I had to wipe my eye makeup off three times before I managed to not get mascara all over my eyelids. I took a deep breath and pulled my hair up into a bun and inspected my appearance in the mirror again.
Screwing my face up, I untied my hair and fluffed it up, making the curls bouncier. Straightening my dress and smoothing out any creases, I forced myself to smile, but it looked more like a grimace.
I could do this.
I could walk out of his bathroom with confidence.
I could sit in a nice restaurant and have a meal with him. We spent almost every day together, anyway. It was no different than a normal day.
Except it was different.
I was dressed in a slinky black dress with silver studded stilettos, and I knew Jeremy was dressed in black pants and a black shirt, with the cuffs rolled up to his elbows, showing off just the right amount of his tattooed arms.
This was entirely new to me.
What if I made a fool of myself?
What if we ran out of things to say to one another?
What if…
“Kenzie,” Jeremy called again and then opened the door. “What’s wrong?”
I turned to look at him, and my words failed me.
He looked so incredibly sexy, and I was tempted to ask him if we could just stay in tonight, but then he smiled and pulled a gift bag out from behind his back.
“I got you this,” he whispered and threaded one hand through the back of my hair, placing a kiss on my cheek.
“You shouldn’t have.”
“I should have got you more. Flowers or something.” He frowned.
“Yeah, isn’t that what guys do on first dates?”
“I wouldn’t know.” I shrugged.
He gave me a curious look.
“This is my first first date,” I admitted.
“Ah, that makes sense.” He dropped his hands to my hips and kissed me. “Now I know why you’re so nervous.”
“Is it that obvious?”
He chuckled, and I groaned. It was that obvious.
“What if I make a bad impression? Or you realise I’m boring as hell? Because, seriously, I am. I work. I look after my son. I study. That’s it. So, if you want out, now’s your—”
Jeremy pinched my lips closed.
“Babe, shut up.” He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me soundly.
Long. Deep. Passionately.
My legs buckled.
“I don’t want out. I kinda like you…a lot,” he murmured against my lips.
“I kinda like you.” I paused and closed my eyes before softly adding, “Too much.”
I did. I was falling, hard and super fast for Jeremy. He had the power to absolutely destroy me. Something I never wanted to give anyone. But he was totally worth the risk.
“No such thing. Now open your fucking gift, be grateful, and let’s go.” He slapped my ass and walked out of the bathroom with a smile.
I sat on the edge of the bath and peeked inside the bag and laughed.
“Is this for me or you?” I called as I walked down the hall, leaving the bag in the bathroom for later.
Jeremy lifted his shoulders. “Figured we could both enjoy it.”
“You’re a pig.”
“But you like me.” He pulled me in for another kiss.
So, maybe…just maybe…
I could wear a sexy little nurse’s outfit…
Just once.
One month later
I opened the door to my apartment and smiled at the sight before me. Jeremy and Cole were lying on the floor on their stomachs colouring in drawings together. Matching black t-shirts. Jean-covered legs bent at the knees and crossed at the ankles. Their shoes were even the same. Seemed my son had another idol, other than his Uncle Ryder, to look up to.
“Hi, Mumma,” Cole said, barely even glancing at me.
“Hey, babe,” Jeremy said, not lifting his gaze from the car he was colouring in.
“Nice to see you both too.” I slipped off my jacket and hung it on the hook behind the door before collapsing on the sofa and watching my men hard at work.
My men.
I loved that.
And them.
It was such a relief to be able to relax in my own apartment, finally. The weight had been lifted from my shoulders, and I felt lighter. Calmer and more at ease. Nothing worried me anymore. I was happy, truly happy, and so was my son. And I had no doubt it had everything to do with tattooed bad boy who played his music too damn loud and had a heart of gold.
Chace was arrested and charged. They wanted me to testify in court, but I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to see his face ever again. He should have served time, but “somehow” was let off with a fine and good behaviour bond. No doubt Daddy Stephens paid off the right people to keep his son out of trouble. It was what they did, after all. Didn’t like the consequences, pay someone to make them go away.
But regardless, he wasn’t allowed anywhere near me or my son again. I had cameras installed in my apartment, an alarm, and I had a restraining order against him. He so much as stepped foot in Blackhill, one phone call to the police and they’d lock him up, regardless of how much money his dad tried to throw around.
Rumour had it, though, that Chace wouldn’t be a problem again, anyway. Jack, ever the gossiper that he was, rang to tell me one day Chace was there, the next he was gone. His clothes and everything packed up and gone. Apparently, according to Jack, Chace’s parents were disgusted with his behaviour and couldn’t believe he tarnished their reputation by stalking me. They thought he was crazy and were none too impressed that he wanted to see Cole, so they checked him into a “health clinic” to fix his mind. To get him the help he needed.
So, life was good.
“You guys gonna get washed up and ready to leave?” I asked.
It was Sunday night, and that meant dinner at the Kellermans’.
They both groaned and whined at the same time, “Do we have to?”
“Yes, you do. Now, get up and pack up your mess and get ready.” I clapped in encouragement.
Cole heaved out a sigh. “This sucks.”
“I know, little man, but we better do as we’re told.”
It was a momentous occasion tonight.
Johnny and Julie were going as well. It was a celebration of new partnerships and new beginnings.
Jeremy officially took over the running of the roadhouse tomorrow and was opening his own garage. He and Ryder had worked hard over the last few weeks finalising details and getting everything ready, and it was finally time.
Johnny and Julie were stepping back and handing the reins over completely. Except for Sundays. Their idea, not Jeremy’s or Ryder’s. Said it was because Sunday night was Kellermans night, and they couldn’t have anyone cancelling on that because they had to flip burgers on the grill. So, Johnny and Julie would remain and work one day a week, and the rest of the time, they were free.
“Come on, we’re goin
g to be late,” I called down the hall when I heard Cole giggling from the bathroom.
“We’re coming!” Jeremy yelled back.
Moments later, they both walked out of the bathroom wearing the same smirks on their faces and red cheeks.
I didn’t want to know what sort of trouble they got up to in there. I was afraid to look.
I came home from work one day to see the words “I kinda like you” written on the mirror in lipstick.
Apparently, Jeremy had caught Cole writing on the mirror and told him if he didn’t want to get in trouble with me, he had to write something I wouldn’t be mad about. And to prove his point, he wrote that.
He wasn’t wrong. I couldn’t get mad because it was sweet, and I loved hearing him say it.
And now it was Cole’s thing too. He told Jeremy all the time with a laugh that he kinda liked him too, and it made my heart hurt…in a good way.
A very good way.
“Hi-ho, hi-ho,” Cole sang as he skipped down the stairs.
“It’s off to the Kellermans’ we go,” Jeremy sang along, shooting me a wink over his shoulder as he grabbed Cole’s hand and skipped down the stairs with him while I locked the apartment up.
By the time I got outside, Jeremy had Cole buckled in and was closing his car door.
“Thank you.” I smiled up at him and pressed a kiss to his cheek because I knew Cole was watching. “And thank you for watching him today.”
“I kinda like the kid as much as his mother, so I don’t mind.” He pinched my chin and pressed his lips to mine. I sighed and leaned into him.
“We kind of like you too.”
“And you can thank me properly later, Nurse Jones.” He laughed and jumped away as I reached out to swat him.
Turned out, that nurse’s costume wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
READ ON for an exclusive preview of Book 5 in the Scandalous series, Audrey and the Hero Upstairs, coming soon from Limitless Publishing
***Sneak Peek***
Audrey and the Hero Upstairs